I used to be hesitant about contacting people on the web. My caution was misplaced. All of them turned out to be nice people.
I suspect that I’m not alone in this, so here’s my offer: *if you want to talk to me, I want to talk to you.* You can contact me at robb at rs dot io.
- I like receiving email from real people. There has never been a time when I found myself thinking, “Wow, I wish I received fewer thoughtful emails from flesh and blood humans.” If I ever do get to that point, I will hire a secretary. Email is amazing. Someone from rural China can send me a message within seconds, for free, and I can reply, for free!
- I like hearing about what my readers are up to. If you’re working on a project and would like me to check it out, or need some feedback, I would like to hear from you. Send me a link.
- I like reading. I spend a lot of my time reading about stuff. If you’ve written something you think I’d enjoy, please send it to me. If you’ve read a great book recently, recommend it to me. I love book recommendations. If you think there’s an article that needs more exposure or that I’d enjoy, send it to me.
- I like self-promotion. If you created something, and you’re proud of it, please tell me about!
- I like helping people out. If you need assistance with something, I would like to help you. If I can make the world a little better one email at a time, I’ll do so.
You can reach me at robb at rs dot io.