Web Roundup: Links for September
Famous last words: “Why are you dodging [bullets] like this? They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.”
More evidence that the standard education narrative (“more education, fewer problems”) is false.
2000 study: Does Sex the Night Before Competition Decrease Performance? Answer: no. I have heard this theory about art, too, that an artist needs to be sexually starved to create great work. I suspect the causality is wrong: those in relationships (and sexual) have less time for creation, therefore fewer great works.
“The odds of any driver experiencing a car crash in their lifetime is quite high (25%)”
Prostitutes with a college degree earn more than those without.
From a write-up of Coursera reviews: “Of students who completed the course 92.0% read the forums. Of those who did not complete the course, only 66.0% read the forums.”
“Participants in a study published this year rated writing samples more favorably when the author’s name included a middle initial; they also presumed people with middle initials to be of higher social status than their uninitialed peers.” (via Marginal Revolution)
P-hacking is accelerating and, as a corollary, scientific integrity deteriorating — maybe this is a symptom of increased competition for tenure-track positions? With a glut of grad students fighting over a few available spots, it’s not surprising that 1) the less ethically constrained are more likely to succeed and 2) people are more likely to manipulate results. I can’t condemn this too much because I once gave the nod to this sort of thing, arguing that breaking the rules is part of the game. (via SlateStarCodex)
I have been informed that this is the best way to learn Rails.